Jason Koenigbaur,
Registered Psychotherapist

Treating Anxiety, Depression & PTSD

Individual Counselling & Psychotherapy
Men's Therapy
Couples Therapy
Cogntive Behavioural Therapy
Trauma & PTSD Therapy
EMDR & Neurofeedback

In-Person (Newmarket, ON) & Online Across Ontario, BC,Saskatchewan and Manitoba

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Therapy Services
Jason offers professional counselling and psychotherapy services for individuals and couples dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship issues.  His approach combines scientific therapies with holistic methods to provide comprehensive and effective treatment to help you overcome your obstacles and achieve your goals. 
Registered Psychotherapist

As a Registered Psychotherapist and trauma informed therapist, I bring over twenty years of experience in mental health, specializing in treating anxiety, depression, childhood abuse, trauma, PTSD, and relationship issues/couples therapy.

My expertise extends to working with individuals who have faced trauma, struggled with attachment, and are recovering from abusive relationships. Drawing from training under renowned experts in trauma, neuroscience, and mind-body healing, I am skilled to guide you towards relief from distressing symptoms, facilitate positive behavioral changes, and assist in reconnecting you with your authentic self.

In my practice, I believe in the transformative power of the therapeutic relationship. It's within this relationship that healing occurs. Here, you're encouraged to express yourself freely, without fear of judgment. Feeling heard and understood is fundamental to our well-being. With a foundation of trust and support, we can delve into the depths of your emotions and belief system and transform outdated patterns no longer serving you.
Guilt, blame, and shame can act as barriers, preventing us from realizing our true identity and potential. It is these emotions that are often at the root of the issue. It's crucial to confront these emotions head-on because avoiding them risks hindering our ability to live a fulfilling and purposeful life. Therapy serves as a tool to help navigate through these emotions, transforming them into opportunities for personal growth rather than suppressing them. Failure to address these emotions can lead to significant mental, emotional, relational, and physical suffering.

To break free from these emotional shackles, it's essential to seek guidance and support from an experienced therapist who is willing to accompany you on the journey, even into uncomfortable territory. This process allows for the exploration of deep-rooted issues and the development of strategies to overcome them, ultimately fostering personal growth and a renewed sense of well-being.


Embrace your true self by releasing guilt, blame, and shame

Access the conscious and subconscious minds.

Find peace in the present moment.

Nurture self-compassion and set boundaries.

Challenge and transform negative beliefs.

Integrate past traumas.

Conquer anxiety and silence negative self-talk.

Enhance communication and connections.

Embrace new behaviours to bring change
My professional journey began with providing addictions counseling within correctional facilities, followed by expanding into individual, couple, and family therapy within community counseling agencies in York Region. Working within these agencies proved invaluable as I received comprehensive training across various community treatment programs, engaged with diverse populations, and had the privilege of supervising and mentoring student therapists for many years.

Through my work, I observed that many clients struggled with traumatic backgrounds, hindering their progress in life. As a  a fervent advocate for personal growth and healing, I recognized the need to equip myself with additional tools to facilitate a more profound healing journey for others. This realization led me to pursue training in therapies that emphasize the mind-body-brain connection, empowering individuals to break free from entrenched patterns and embrace transformative change.

With over twenty years of experience in the mental health field, I currently serve as the Clinical Director at both the Newmarket Therapy Center and Neuro Soma Wellness Centre. 
Following the completion of my Master's Degree at the University of Toronto, I furthered my education with extensive training at the Gestalt Institute of Toronto, graduating from their rigorous five-year Post-Graduate program in Professional Psychotherapy.  I have undergone rigirous self-analysis and therapy as part of the Gestalt training  program.  

Certified Gestalt Psychotherapist (5 years post Master's Training)

Trained in EMDR & Trauma Therapy- Levels I and II 

Trained in FSAP- Feeling State Addiction Protocol

Trained  in Ego State Therapy and Dissociation

Trained in Image Transformation Therapy

Master Trained in Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT)

Training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Trauma Focused CBT

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Trained in Neurofeedback (LENS, SMR, Infralow, Alpha Theta, Biofeedback)


Through psychotherapy, individuals can explore past experiences, set and achieve personal goals, and acquire tools to effectively navigate and cope with the complexities of daily life.

Couples Therapy

With Couples Therapy, couples can address conflict resolution, improve problem-solving skills, and build a stronger foundation for their relationship.

Trauma Therapy

Our Trauma Therapy service offers evidence-based treatments to help individuals recover from the effects of trauma and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

EMDR & Neurofeedback

Our EMDR & Neurofeedback service offers a unique approach to addressing trauma, anxiety, and stress by integrating the benefits of EMDR therapy with the power of neurofeedback technology.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapy method that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors to improve mental health.


Come into contact with your true, authentic self. 

Gestalt therapy helps people deal with the inner struggles that hold them back from reaching their full potential. As a therapist, I assist clients in understanding these obstacles and where they come from. Together, we tackle unresolved issues, which we call 'unfinished business.'

In addition to gaining self-awareness, clients can expect to tap into their inner strengths, broaden their emotional spectrum, and unleash their creativity. They also learn to embrace parts of themselves they may have neglected.

Gestalt therapy is all about experience. It focuses on the connection between therapist and client, highlighting the link between mind and body. We address issues as they arise in the present moment. Through various techniques, we aim to alleviate distress, find innovative ways to tackle life's challenges, and promote a sense of wholeness and harmony within oneself.

Overcome  Depression, Anxiety and Unwanted Behaviours. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a focused and time-limited type of therapy that deals with the here and now. In CBT, the therapist and client team up to pinpoint and tackle the client's unhelpful thoughts and beliefs. They work together to challenge and change these patterns.

CBT teaches clients about how their thoughts, feelings, and actions are connected. Research shows that CBT is effective for various issues like anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and personality disorders.

During CBT sessions, the therapist helps clients recognize and challenge negative thought patterns. They also explore how these thoughts affect behavior and emotions. Together, they develop alternative, more positive thoughts that lead to healthier behaviors and feelings.

Change  strong, rigid thinking patterns. 

Combining Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Clinical Hypnosis creates a powerful treatment approach. Research indicates that Clinical Hypnosis can complement CBT and effectively address trauma (Hammond, 1994; Lynn et al., 

Hypnosis works by accessing the subconscious mind, as individuals enter a relaxed state where their conscious mind is less critical, making them more receptive to suggestions. This heightened suggestibility allows for therapeutic interventions, behavioral changes, and cognitive restructuring. 

Moreover, studies suggest that hypnosis is beneficial for anxiety, depression, and various fears.  Clients dealing with psychological issues, habit changes, or performance enhancement may find significant benefits from hypnosis. It acts as a bridge between cognitive and behavioral therapies, enhancing the overall treatment process.

It's worth mentioning that for treating depression, anxiety, and fears, a gentle hypnotic trance is usually all that's needed. Many people naturally experience light trance states during daily activities like driving or watching a movie.

Release traumatic memories and recover from post-traumatic stress. 

EMDR is a proven therapy for overcoming trauma. It works by using bilateral stimulation, which means stimulating both sides of the brain alternately. This helps to release traumatic memories from the brain in a manageable way.

Traumatic memories often get stuck in the brain, triggering the "fight, flight, or freeze" response. EMDR helps to unlock and process these memories, turning them into less distressing ones.

EMDR is backed by evidence and is widely used to treat PTSD. It's also effective for issues like anxiety, phobias, depression, and addictions that stem from

Heal attachment wounds and regulate distressful 

Clients who have endured childhood traumas that affect their sense of safety and ability to form close relationships as adults require adjustments to the standard EMDR protocol. These traumas may involve physical and sexual abuse, early losses, neglect, birth or medical trauma, parental substance abuse, and caregiver neglect. 

Children with traumatized parents can also internalize their parents' pain, distress, and dysfunctional beliefs. Moreover, children who develop a "false self" to suppress emotions or adapt to their caregivers' needs for attachment can benefit from Attachment-Focused EMDR (AF-EMDR).

AF-EMDR focuses on healing attachment wounds and developmental deficits by embedding attachment-based emotions in the brain's neural networks. As the healing progresses, clients gain the ability to regulate distressing emotions, address attachment wounds, and form deeper connections.

Overcome Addictive Behaviour and Compulsions 

Introducing a new short-term therapy called FSAP, designed to address both behavioral and substance addictions by breaking the link between feelings and behaviors. This connection is often the root cause of addictions. 

By pinpointing the specific feeling-behavior fixation, FSAP utilizes a modified version of the EMDR protocol to process and dissolve it. Once this fixation is dismantled, cravings and urges diminish, and there's no need for ongoing behavior management. In fact, individuals regain the ability to engage in behaviors appropriately.

Teaching the Brain To Self-Regulate 

Clinical Neurofeedback refers to the combination of Psychotherapy and Neurofeedback.

Both interventions aim to help clients understand their mind and their brain. Neurofeedback is an intervention that uses the brain’s capacity to change in order to regulate the brain's electrical activity. It is a direct way to train the brain to improve its function and to regulate symptoms. Psychotherapy helps the client process and assimilate information, thereby becoming complementary to Neurofeedback.

During a regular Neurofeedback session, three or more electrodes are placed on the scalp in specific areas of the brain, where one is actively training and others are placed to act as references and poles. A state-of-the-art electronic equipment allows clinicians to amplify frequencies in a computer interface setting, helping clients to receive instant feedback of the brain wave frequencies. Through the process of operant conditioning, clients will learn to retrain their brain to achieve more of the desires brain waves in specific areas and reduce them in others.

Rapidly heal emotional distress and heal attachment patterns. 

Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT) is a unique therapeutic approach that harnesses the power of light, colour wavelengths, brainwave entrainment, and eye movements to swiftly shift emotional distress and associated physical discomfort towards a more positive state.

In ETT, targeted neural impulses are synchronized with specific eye movements and stimulation to address these uncomfortable emotional and physical sensations in corresponding brain regions. Using specialized light and colour devices, the method stimulates the brain and nervous system to reshape neural impulses.

During therapy, the therapist observes the individual's emotional responses and guides them through verbal cues aimed at facilitating rapid emotional and behavioral changes. Recent advancements in light therapy have revealed the efficacy of certain wavelengths in transforming emotional states when administered appropriately.

Releasing pain and fear from the body. 

Image Transformation Therapy (ImTT) represents a revolutionary approach to addressing trauma, depression, anxiety, OCD, phobias, and relationship challenges. This gentle therapy offers relief from the burden of pain, fear, guilt, and shame associated with trauma and other difficult experiences, all without the need to fully immerse oneself in the intense feelings.

Grounded in a visualization and breathing protocol, ImTT facilitates the release of distressing emotions directly from the body while neutralizing disturbing images and memories. Clients who have undergone ImTT often report profound transformations in their lives, highlighting its effectiveness in fostering healing and growth.

Welcome to the Online Booking System

Due to high demand for appointments, the online booking system is currently disabled for Jason. 
Please contact Susan Graham, intake manager at the Newmarket Therapy Centre, at 289-500-8039 to book an appointment. 

The online booking system is only for CURRENT CLIENTS ONLY.  If you are interested in becoming a client, please contact me first. CLICK HERE TO BOOK YOUR FIRST APPOINTMENT.    All other ongoing appointments may be booked in person after the session or conveniently online.  CLICK  HERE TO BOOK ONLINE. There is a section on the online booking app that allows you to add questions and comments which I will see and respond to. 

When you click the online booking link, you will see a list of therapists from Newmarket Therapy Centre.     These therapists are my associates.  Please find my name, JASON KOENIGBAUR in the list. 

My current office hours are as follows: 

TUESDAY: 10:00  a.m to 8:00 pm 
WEDNESDAY: 10:00 am- 6:00 pm
THURSDAY: 10:00-8:00 pm 
FRIDAY:  10:00 am- 6:00pm 

Information Regarding Benefits Plans: 

If you are going to be using benefits for therapy, please check your policy.   It is the responsibility of the client to understand their  policy before starting therapy.

I am covered under  the title of Registered Psychotherapist.  As I am supervised by a  Registered Social Worker.


Payment is to be received after each session.     Mastercard, Visa, cash, cheque and debit accepted.

The cost of therapy is $10/hour. Couples & Family Therapy $185/hr
Please note the following: 

•Online booking available only to existing/approved clients. 
•You may book up to three appointments at one time. 
•Cancellation is 48 hours in advance for online bookings. The system will not allow you to cancel if you are not in the 48 hr window
•If you need to cancel or reschedule, please go into your confirmation email. There is a link in the email to cancel. 
•Please be responsible for your appointments and notify me in advance if you cannot attend. 
Growth is a paradox. It requires effort and surrender.
-Frtiz Perls

Reach Out To Book An Appointment 

  • 440 Queen Street, Newmarket, ON, Canada

Services are at Newmarket Therapy Centre- 440 Queen Street.